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On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 17:58, Tom N Harris <> wrote:
> On 03/05/2012 05:56 AM, Philipp Janda wrote:
>>> Shopping List:
>> milk butter eggs flour baking soda
>> This only "works" as long as the statements are reasonably simple. In
>> general a single space is not enough to visually separate list items (or
>> statements), especially if the items/statements contain spaces
>> themselves. Your shopping list example nicely proves that. Mandatory
>> semicolons are such a hated feature because one typically writes only
>> one statement per line anyway and ;\n is overkill.
>> So for me the question is not if commas in tables can be made optional
>> (with or without removing function calls without parentheses) but if we
>> should even try.
> To further support this point, it becomes apparent when the shopping list is
> "milk butter squash", which could be either two or three items.
> --
> - tom

Or perhaps a single task? :p

Sent from my toaster.