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This bug occurs because David mixed two different lua vm,  lua use a
dummynode in ltable.c, and many LUAI_DDEF objects. So if this objects
are all in G(L), the mix of different lua will not cause crash, Any
discuss about this topic?

2012/2/20 David Rio <>:
> Thanks Phillip! That was the issue.
> -drd
> On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 23:11, Philipp Janda <> wrote:
>> On 20.02.2012 02:02, David Rio wrote:
>>> Tet me try to simplify the amount of code necessary to reproduce
>>> the issue:
>>> --------------------$ cat
>>> #!/bin/bash
>>> rm -f *.o *.so
>>> gcc -g -c ldrdlib.c
>>> gcc -g -Wall -shared  -llua -o ldrdlib.o
>> I don't have access to a Mac, so I can't say for sure, but it seems your gcc
>> invocation is wrong. According to [1] it probably should be something like:
>>    gcc -g -Wall -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -o ldrdlib.o
>>  [1]:
>> HTH,
>> Philipp