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Hi Ezra!

Thanks for your answer!

Would XMPP work for sending a frozen script (just a binary image)
between different machines? If yes, do you have code to do this? I
really want to just start doing it (sending a few scripts around the

My own first idea was to use zmq for communication. But I haven't
really started exploring it it yet, just informed myself about it a
little. If XMPP provides useful, let's go for XMPP.


On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 4:04 AM, Ezra Sims <> wrote:
> On 10/26/2011 10:32 AM, Stefan Reich wrote:
>> Hi fellas. -
>> What do I mean by mobile? I am not referring to mobile devices (not
>> specifically anyway).
>> Rather, the idea is that a script is frozen on one machine, sent
>> through the network and then unfrozen and continued on another
>> machine.
> Interesting! I've got something similar in progress, using XMPP as a
> communication method between a potentially massive number of Lua states on
> any number of computers. Been focusing on other aspects of the project
> lately, so it's not much more than get/set ops and a relatively simple event
> messenger at the moment, but this might just inspire me back to that part of
> things.