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Thanks all for the answers :).

2011/8/30 Waitman Gobble <>:
> if you are talking about running "moai.exe"  - that's for windows apps, not
> android.

I didn't know that, i was trying to build the apk for android and
always get some type of error and i tried the same thing in the vm and
works. People that was near told me that are some things in moai that
works only in a windows development environment and maybe i won't be
able to code in linux.

Since i googled about compile the code that can be downloaded in
github in linux and see most of the answers talking about how they
could only partly make run on linux i assumed that what people told me
before was true and after some more fails i decided to see if there is
an other option.

Now i belive that maybe can be some configuration that i didn't see in
the NDK on linux that i made on windows.

Sorry to bother every one with a question that i could a void if i was
more curious about moia. And thanks to all for the answers. I'm
starting now with Lua thanks to a teacher who told us very nice things
about it. Before I had done some test with pygame, cus i more use to
python in the "day-by-day life". But Lua got my attention.


Elias Granja
Campinas - SP