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Announcing luafcgid release 1.0 - a statefull FastCGI server for Lua

luafcgid is a trivially multithreaded FastCGI server that is written to run under BSD/Linux/MacOSX and Windows (using MinGW and pthreads32). It manages a number of independent, persistent Lua states, that are then loaded with Lua scripts from the file system. These scripts are loaded/initialized on demand, and held in memory for as long as possible. The Lua scripts are provided basic CGI access with a thin abstraction - resulting in an extremely fast, streamlined and lightweight platform from which to run web-centric apps and frameworks in Lua.

Some current uses are: a transactional CGI gateway, AJAX backend, and interactive database-driven websites. It has been tested with nginx 1.x and Apache 2.x, and should work with any FastCGI compliant web server.
