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There is a scripting enviornment for Android written by someone at Google...

While I only installed it just recently, it does claim that you can
create standalone apps for Android that is basically a wrapper for
your script. It does support multiple language, and Lua is one of


On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 1:35 PM, Gopalakrishnan Subramani
<> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just curious to know the whether the following is possible with Lua or not.
> Any alternative feedback is welcome.
> 1. Does Lua work with .NET Compact Framework on Windows 7 mobile? I mean, I
> want .NET runtime on mobile not a WinCE/C platforms.
> 2. Does Lua work with Android mobile on Java Runtime?
> 3. I read Lua is officially supported language for iPhone. Does Lua works
> with Object-C run-time?
> If you need more clarification and justification and why questions, here are
> boring details..You can skip them without reading so. If you have any
> opinion, please feel free to share.
> We are trying to build industry application which is sell-able to the market
> as a product or service.
> The currently we are using XML as a core technology where we define the
> configuration which covers almost everything an application needs.
> We have Configuration Engines written in different technologies like below.
> 1. Win32/VC++ (not fully matured, due to development time and lack of
> dynamic introspection/reflection)
> 2. .NET/C#(Done)
> 3. iOS/Objective-C (yet to do)
> 4. Android/Java (yet to do)
> These configuration engines consists of huge set of libraries and UI
> controls to parse the XML and build the UI from XML. So XML is technology
> independent and we could launch our product on any technologies including
> web.
> XML itself is not helping us in many places like conditional and rules. So
> wherever required, we write custom code in C++, C#, Object-C (todo) and Java
> (todo). In most cases, writing these code sucks since development is consume
> more time & other overheads like compile and test.
> I would like to keep our engine to adapt the Lua instead of XML so that I
> could write custom operations also in Lua.
> Now, we have problem in deciding run-time.
> Our engine written in .NET which may not work with Lua on .NET compact
> framework (to run on Windows mobile) due to the lack of generation of IL
> code which Lua or other .NET script language produce at run-time. Even DLR
> might not work on compact framework. I am not sure whether Lua can work with
> Android on Java run-time. I recently read that iPhone can support Lua
> thereafter. Even If we have capabilities to compile Lua to IL code in such a
> way that it can work on Compact framework would be great.
> We use Lua as a glue, not as a main application. The ultimate goal is that,
> we want to build applications on various platforms like .NET, Objective-C,
> Android platforms for Desktop PCs,  also make them  work on mobile platforms
> with the greater support of Lua.
> --
> Gopalakrishnan,
> Bangalore