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Does anyone tried to use flexdll for lua?
flexdll is an alternative DLL maker for mingw/cygwin and comes with
a special version of dlopen()/dlsym() library. The home page tells
that it was developed for OCaml to support the c binray modules.

I was thinking to use it for my program, which statically
links Lua interpreter, and takes c-binray modules.
My problem is making a c-binary module as a DLL in MinGW,
where gnu-ld always needs all symbols resolved. I have tried
to build a DLL that use functions defined in a exe-file of
my c application program (ANSI C), but failed.
The flexdll seems to release the restriction.
I think, MSVC linker and Borland C compiler-linker
are ok to build a DLL with undefined symbols.
Of cause, gnu-ld in Linux has no restriction.

Any suggestions are appreciated.
thank you in advance.

Yutaka Ueno
AIST Tsukuba, Japan