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At 04:54 PM 7/7/2011, David Manura wrote:
>On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 4:48 PM, Ross Berteig
><> wrote:
>>    C:...>lua -e "print(string.format('%q','abc\a'))"
>>    "abc"
>> It may or may not have emitted the \007 represented by the \a,
>but if so it
>> was visually lost (and it didn't even go 'ding' [...]
>  $ cat -A test.lua
>  print((('abc^H^H^H123'):gsub('[^a-z]', '')))$


As a programmer, I'm somewhat allergic to putting naked control
characters in string literals. The backslash escapes exist
because I'm not alone in that allergy. The %q format character is
valuable because it can turn any string content into source text
that recreates that string. The difficulty I have with it is that
it does so by making the least number of transformations that it
can at the possible cost of legibility to a human reader.

I'm just advocating gently for the ability to choose a stronger
mapping that is slightly more friendly to my use case. I'm not
necessarily advocating that the behavior of %q itself be changed
because there are times where getting the long lines broken in
the output would be preferred to deliberately folding them onto
one line.

Ross Berteig                     
Cheshire Engineering Corp.