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On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 4:19 AM, Rob Kendrick wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 02:25:46AM -0600, Jeff Pohlmeyer wrote:
>> 1) The Makefile uses "lua5.1" for the pkg-config name but on archlinux
>>    it is just named "lua".
> This seems like a bug in the Archlinux package.  How else could it
> support multiple incompatible versions of Lua installed at the same
> time?  (As can happen quite easily just after a new release and a couple
> of years after.)

The pc file in the lua 5.1.4 sources is named "lua.pc".

Is there anything that tells the packager if and how it should be renamed?

lua5.1.pc ?
lua-5.1.pc ?
lua51.pc ?

I figure if the people who wrote Lua wanted it named something else,
they would have done it.

(I am sure this has been discussed ad nauseum already.)

 - Jeff