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On 02/03/2011 06:44 AM, Gaspard Bucher wrote:
Have you thought about LuaSQLite ? With some simple wrappers in Lua
(metatables), you can use table syntax to read and update your data:

device = db:device('device name')
-- read db
print( <>)
-- update db <> = xxx

If you really need to be able to hand edit the result, YAML is a very
good choice. JSON (or Lua tables) tend to become unreadable.


Hi Gaspard

Thanks very much for your post and thanks to Axel, Peter and Jerome for theirs as well.

DBs are really powerful but are just not my style. I had heard of YAML but did really know what it was, I think this is perfect for me, there is even a Lua binding.

Thanks again-Patrick