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Also, Richard Bartle has slides from his whistle-stop intro to Lua for Game courses online. Might be useful.

Check out lectures 1&2 but some of the other stuff may be useful too.


On 1 February 2011 11:42, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <> wrote:
> On February 17, 2011 I'll be giving a Lua presentation at Linux Enthusiasts
> and Professionals ( Like many of my presentations it
> will probably be a "Lifeboat and Speedboat" presentation, where the first part
> goes over the basics at a slow speed, and the second part is a fast dog and
> pony show of advanced features. All advice would be welcome

Have a look at Roberto's talks on Lua. They have been given to several
different audiences and you may find them useful. (Some of them are in
Portuguese but the Lua code is not.)