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On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 6:52 AM, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
> Now I can see the point in those cases, since the functions are never
> called object-ly, but always or

Injecting into os is probably unjustified since you can alias: local
os = require 'os.extended' .

> However: what about the case of string functions?

That's a problem.

I once tried to address it with a new type of metamethod that applied
to all objects but only within a lexical scope [1]:

    local function __index(t,k)
      if type(t) == 'string' then return t:sub(k,k) else return t[k] end
    print(("foo")[2], math.sqrt(2))
  -- [1]

but that has some runtime overhead when different types exist in the
scope. Here's a refinement of that idea, related to the _ENV concept
in Lua 5.2-alpha:

  local env_string = setmetatable({}, {__index = at}}

    local _ENV_STRING = env_string
    print(t[2], math.sqrt(2))

Within the scope of the variable _ENV_STRING, all index operations on
strings would go through the value of _ENV_STRING.  The VM would need
some support for knowing how to look into _ENV_STRING (as well as
_ENV_FUNCTION, _ENV_NUMBER, etc.--perhaps all of which could somehow
be stuffed into _ENV's metatable).

You may also want to combine that idea with the previously discussed
__methindex proposal, which breaks the equivalence between indexing
'.'/'[' and method call ':' operators so that s[i] and s:match(...) no
longer conflict.