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> > require"bc"
> > a = bc.number('1')
> > =a/0
> nil
> Why nil?
> If lbc has redefined divide operator, it must returned inf too?

bc functions return bc numbers but bc does not support inf or nan.
So lbc returns nil on error, which is consisten with other Lua libraries.

If you want to change this behavior, it's a simple one-line change:

  static int Bdiv(lua_State *L)			/** div(x,y) */
   bc_num a=Bget(L,1);
   bc_num b=Bget(L,2);
   bc_num c=NULL;
/* if (bc_divide(a,b,&c,DIGITS)!=0) return 0; */
   if (bc_divide(a,b,&c,DIGITS)!=0) lua_pushnumber(L,1/0); else
   return 1;