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Diego - Red Baires wrote:
Hi guys, i still cannot apply the concept that Kein recommends.
Pls analize this results:
[snip snip]
myHour = os.time( { year="2008", month="01", day="01", hour="00", min="00" })
ts = math.fmod(myHour, 86400)
print (myHour .." - ".. ts)

myHour = os.time( { year="2009", month="07", day="00", hour="00", min="00" })
ts = math.fmod(myHour, 86400)
print (myHour .." - ".. ts)
output: 199152800 - 7200
1246330800 - 10800

Sorry, it is probably not Spain, I Googled too quickly. I'll stop making wild guesses. :-)

The DST chart below explains the difference with respect to UTC:

Kein-Hong Man (esq.)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia