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Wim Langers <> [2009-04-17 09:51:37]:

> I wrote a C extension to Lua and can load it with 'package.loadlib'.
> I somehow thought that I could load it with require (and not hardcode
> paths). Require finds my dll but then complains that it can't find 'The
> specified procedure' ?
> Looked all over the place to find out what's going on, but no success.
> I also read something about naming conventions : I named the dll
> '_IupRobot.dll' with a 'luaopen__IupRobotLib' (two underscores) and the
> corresponding lua code 'IupRobot.lua'. Also tried with 'luaopen_IupRobotLib'
> (one underscore) because I read something about automatically removing the
> extra underscore.

Don't forget, that on Windows luaopen_* function should be exported either using
"__declspec(dllexport)" or using .def file. Try to declare your function like
something like this "__declspec(dllexport) int luaopen__IupRobotLib(lua_State *L)".
