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Hi, I am the maintainer of Kahlua, a Lua implementation for Java and more specifically J2ME, which has now reached a new milestone in terms of features and stability.
I can finally claim to have a fully compliant implementation of:
* coroutines
* string library (String.format was a real challenge, especially with all the odd corner cases, and the weirdness that is %g...)
* table library (partially implemented in plain Lua)
* math
... and most of the semantics of Lua 5.1, including weak tables, upvalues, all metatable ops except __gc.
The only big thing that is missing at this point is a compiler - Kahlua only reads bytecode.

The Kahlua source has a 98% code coverage among the core VM classes, and an overall code coverage of 94% with over 3000 test cases implemented in Lua.

Read more about it here, if you're interested: