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Over the weekend I uploaded the 0.3.0 beta. Changes include:

+ added support for textual macros and source code preprocessing. Module
macro adds facilities to Idle similar to macro handling in the C
preprocessor. It allows the definition and replacement of macros with or
without parameters and supports textually including source files (also
along a path, see package.ipath) as opposed to require() and dofile()
which introduce separate compilation units with, among other things, a
separate scope.

+ function string.reMatch() does regular expression pattern matches.
This function works similar to string.reFind() but it simply returns the
matched strings (or captures, if captures are defined) and not the
positions in the string.

+ function table.invert() inverts a table such that the keys are swapped
with the values.

- moved functions macro.preprocess() and to new module
template and renamed them to template.fill() and template.execute(),
respectively. The shortcuts to these functions (in module macro) will
disappear in a future version.

- string.reGSub() doesn't support caching of the last used pattern
anymore if it is called with a function as replacement parameter. Such a
function could itself call string.reGSub() with another function as
replacement parameter and this in turn could lead to a corrupted pattern
in the outer call.

- returning a value to the operating system in the main part of a script
(via a simple 'return value') is not supported anymore. Instead variable
os.exitCode should be set to the value to be returned to the OS.

- renamed the Idle runtime DLL to idle030.dll because the preceding two
changes are not backward-compatible.

- fixed a few bugs.

This beta version is released under an MIT-style licence. It is
available for systems running Windows 2000 and later. For details,
documentation and downloads see

cheers  thomasl
