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Stephen Kellett <> writes:

> The other thing is I have never associated someone have a Lisp

Lowercase, please.  As an Emacs user, I use Lisp all the time.

> or any form of speech impediment with them being homosexual. I think
> you'd have to be pretty weird to make such an association. Camp
> behaviour often associated with some gay men has nothing to do with
> Lisping speech, nothing whatsoever.

IIRC, the Castilian/European pronunciation of Spanish (most prominently
the "lisping" of "c") sounds "faggish" to Latin American speakers of it.
But a similar thing holds for Oxford pronunciation to American audience
where lisping does not come into play.

Anyway, this may or may not be delightful or amusing or whatever, but it
certainly seems completely off-topic for a Lua group.

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum