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Diego Nehab wrote:
LuaSocket version 2.0.2 is now available for download! It is
compatible with Lua 5.1, and has been tested on Windows XP,
Linux, and Mac OS X.

New to LuaSocket, tried it today and have some questions.

1) The Win32 binaries didn't work on my WinXP SP2, as MSVCR80D.dll was missing on my system (I guess I'm not the only one without this DLL). So I ended up building LuaSocket from source with GCC (by means of importing luasocket.sln into Code::Blocks IDE).

2) The Manual lists where the files should be installed, including:
But my build didn't produce these DLLs, it produced socket.dll and mime.dll, and I put them into <CDIR>. Should the manual be corrected?

3) I ran the tests and everything seems OK but I'm not sure, since the (client) summary is just:
  testing: done in 76.09s
Does that mean that all tests passed OK? There were no warning or error messages except one from the server side:
  lua: testsrvr.lua:10: closed
which I guess is normal.

Thank you.