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Have you checked LuaQt by Ariel Manzur?

It's pretty complete and works well.  Don't know if it has been updated
recently. The version we are using is for Qt 4.1.x (latest version is
4.3.x).  Beside some small corrections it worked fine for us.

Carlos Augusto.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Mauro Iazzi
> Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2007 2:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: Automatic Qt bindings for Lua
> Hi all,
> in the past months I used some of my spare time to make Qt bindings
> for Lua. I now have a working simple program to show how far I've got,
> and a little screencast showing off some capabilities.
> The program is here:
> The screencast is here:
> To compile use
> qmake
> make
> ./lqtutorial
> Users of Debian-based systems should be fine using the
> file.
> The bindings are autogenerated using the output ogf GCCXML. I included
> the bindings for just a few basic classes. I will try and package the
> generator in a few days. The generator is written in less than 1000
> lines of Lua code, and makes use of the Expat library for parsing XML.
> Among the best hings there is the fact that I did not have to touch
> any generated file by hand. They just worked.
> Moreover, they are completely modular, so that I can have the bindings
> for only few classes that I actually need. This provides a lot of
> modularity, which could be exploited to make very small programs.
> Finally, the generator has only be used on Qt, but is totally generic,
> and can be used on any C++ code, although I don't know how well it
> would understand some complex features of C++ (as deeply nested local
> classes, barbaric use of templates and such).
> I strongly hope that this is of some interest to someone.
> Cheers,
> mauro
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