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I'm in C, and want to copy all fields from one table into another one. Sort of the moral equivalent of

for k,v in pairs(a) do b.k = v end

(which I don't think is correct in Lua).

It seems like lua_next would be the way to iterate the table and get its keys and values -- it leaves them on the stack in such a way everything is ready for a call to lua_settable. But that pops the key, so that I can't then make the next lua_next call. (And I can't just push the key an extra time after lua_next, because then lua_settable wouldn't work.)

Am I missing something?

David Dunham   Macintosh Game Developer
GameHouse Studios     +1 206 926 5722
    "They said it couldn't be done but sometimes it doesn't
     work out that way." -- Casey Stengel