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Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <lhf <at>> writes:

> > Maybe something like this then ?
> This code is slow because it concats the file line by line.
> See
> A better solution is to read it all at once:
> function getconfig( file ) 
>   local f = assert( file ))
>   local ret = "return {" .. f:read"*a" .. "}"
>   f:close()
>   return ret
> end

There is no way to parse the following format using your proposed func:

<file start>
option1 = "ok"
option2 = true
option3 = 34
<file end>

Watch that there are no commas and it really looks like a config file ;)
while what I suggest does this. It may take a little tweaking but it will get it.