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On 11-Jan-07, at 4:01 PM, Bret Victor wrote:

Challenge #1:  Write "curry".  (You may assume that none of the values
are nil, since nil and ... don't play nice together.)

OK, this one works with nil, but it definitely tests the length of ... and uses different code for different lengths. On the other hand, the different code is not explicit, and the generation is reasonably efficient thanks to Memoize (included below):

function Memoise(fn)
    return setmetatable({},
       __index = function(t, k)
                   local val = fn(k); t[k] = val; return val
       __call  = function(t, k)
                   return t[k]

local concat = table.concat
Arglist = Memoise(
    local t = {}
    for i = 1, n do t[i] = "a"..i end
    return function(c) return concat(t, c) end

Partial = Memoise(
  function(n) return loadstring(
"return function(f, "..Arglist[n]", "..") return function(...) return f("..Arglist[n]", "..", ...) end end"
Partial[0] = function(f) return f end

function partial(f, ...) return Partial[select("#", ...)](f, ...) end

print123 = partial(print, 1, 2, 3)
printdcba = partial(print, "d", "c", "b", "a")
print123("foo", "bar")
printdcba(1, 3)

---- Here's another application of Arglist, to produce efficient string catenators:

Catter = Memoise(
  function(n) return loadstring(
"return function("..Arglist[n]", "..") return "..Arglist[n]"..".." end"

c6 = Catter[6]
print(c6("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"))