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As it seems that there is enough interest in the community to contribute
to a "Lua Programming Gems" book, we have decided to go ahead with the

Here is a formal call for contributions, which is open to everyone.
This call is also available at .

We look forward to working with the authors on this project.



We plan to publish a book on "Lua Programming Gems", along the lines of
the famous "Graphics Gems" series and other similar series. The book
will be edited by the Lua team and published by, like PiL and
the Lua Reference Manual.

The goal of the book is to collect and publish existing wisdom and
practice on how to program well in Lua (including the C API). Gems can
range from detailed tutorials on Lua features to advanced techniques
and tricks, like the late Lua Technical Notes. Interesting case studies
of how Lua can make a difference in a concrete application are also
welcome. In particular, the book will be an opportunity for wiki authors
and other Lua experts to polish and publish their contributions. A gem
should contain around 3000 words or 10 pages.

We shall ask contributors to the book to license non-exclusive rights on
their contributions to us. Authors will retain copyright of their work.

If you are interested in writing one or more Lua Programming Gems,
please send a one-page, 300-word abstract in plain text to
by 10 Jan 2007. The editors will review and select gems based on these
abstracts. Here is the timetable for the first phase:

10 Jan 2007 - one-page abstracts due
01 Fev 2007 - authors notified of selection results
01 Jun 2007 - full text due

During the second phase, the editors will work with the authors to polish
their contributions. We plan publish the book in Dec 2007.
