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I felt that it did one valuable thing - it showed you common tasks that you
could apply Lua for within your game.  It didn't show you necessarily the
best way to do them, but it brought attention to the tasks.  If you have the
chance, run to a bookstore and try to skim the book for yourself.  One 15
minute skimming will probably give you everything useful from the book.

> I bought the book and was disappointed to say the least. And if I
> may speak
> my mind, I was disappointed to see the foreword written by one of the Lua
> authors for such a bland and uninteresting book and I am still trying to
> figure out why it is a 'must-have' book for anyone interested in game
> development. Even without knowing too much about game programming
> I got the
> feeling that text did not illustrate any shining examples to serve as a
> foundational reference.