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Could this maybe be a topic for the Lua Oh Six round table? :)


Jérôme VUARAND kirjoitti 27.7.2006 kello 6.03:

Hi list,

I'm trying to figure if it would be possible to add static (compile
time) typing to Lua easily, either by adding a library or by modifying
the language parser itself. Has anyone already looked into it and
found something interesting ? Is the Lua core designed to allow such
modification ? An alternative would be to add a kind of preprocessor
to Lua. I read somewhere that there is a Lua parser written in Lua.
Would it be capable of doing such preprocessing ?

Static typing enforce some level of code correcteness and that's the
aspect of it that I'm looking for. So the static typing system I'm
looking for should support user defined static types beyond lua
default ones, something like type inference à la Haskell.

Any suggestion is welcome.
