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> * How much the publisher's name impact a book sales?
I'd stay away from the "15 author photos on the cover" publishers like
Wrox and Sams, probably... Those don't seem to have a great
reputation. But O'Reilly, New Riders, a lot of the Apress stuff,
Addison Wesley, Prentice Hall... They're all worth a look.

I agree - if you add Microsoft Press and Sybex that describes my bookshelf quite well. has many of the better ones listed (although not up to date).

I've bought a few Sams in the past and have been disappointed. On the other hand Sybex were nearly always good (long time ago) and Microsoft Press seem to be consistently good if you are interested in operating system info. I'm currently reading the Ruby on Rails book by the Pragmatic Programmers and they seem to be good as well.

I bought the Lua book from Amazon. Pleased to read about the additions that will be in the next book.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting