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Again, in my opinion,neither touching core lua syntax,
nor burdening everyone with this flexibility; idea of
being able to customise syntax by preprocessor, is
very cool and very much needed for those need it. If
one want's he can simply plug it in, if one is not
interested , he can simply use standard lua.
  But as i am also using lua for my projects as simple
configuration and scripting language, i will be happy
if being able to customise syntax according to my own
unique needs is there.

bye :-)

> Excellent Idea, Diego.
>   Simply go for it. I will be the first user to use
> it
> and give you feedback. Is there any immediate
> download
> and details available.
> bye :-)
> Ashish 
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> From: Diego Nehab <>
> Subject: Re: syntax heresy
> Hi,
> > So, boyko, I guess using sed is not conforming to
> the rules.
> > But as the idea of syntax changes even between
> minor
> > changes is becoming more popular, we may see a

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