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On Friday 01 July 2005 11:46 pm, Rici Lake wrote:
> Suppose that I have an immutable userdata type which I would like to be
> able to intern, but which I don't always want to intern. Something like
> bignums, perhaps: I'd like to intern them for efficiency, but I don't
> want to intern intermediate results which are going to disappear right
> away. In particular, if I'm going to use the objects as table keys, I
> really need to intern them so that the table lookup will work.

i haven't (yet) looked at your code (or is that pseudocode?); but i'd LOVE 

although i'd have to confess that my main use can be completely satisfied by 
either a raw byte buffer with a toString() methamethod, or just lazy hashing 
of big strings.

but lazy interning things are just so much more generic... crisp, clean 


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