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>> The problem is that I want to be able to close the root state in order
>> to cause all the spawned threads to also end and be GC'ed.  This
>> causes a fatal error (during what seems to be the "Sweep" functions in
>> LUA) when lua_close is called on the root state.
>  This (closing a state with suspended threads) should work without
>problems, so it may be a bug. What version of Lua are you using? Can
>you give more information?
>-- Roberto

I'm using LUA 5.0.2 at the moment.  I'm fairly sure the crash occurs in
"sweeplist" in lgc.c (I wanted to test for certain but the code is in a
broken state at the moment... sorry).  A possible point was raised by
Matthew Harmon in another thread...

>Another thing I do, which is probably bad, is frequently redefine
>I'm not sure if that leaves the "old" code available for GC right away or

It was suggested in a reply that this would not cause problems as it would
still be GCed.  I mention it again because I also frequently redefine
functions.  Although this should be GCed okay, there might possibly be a bug
here.  As far as I am aware, the function will simply be replaced in the
global table.  In my code, this function is always the same function (i.e.
there are not 3 different functions in 3 different scripts all called

Hope this helps,
