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On Sun, 08 Aug 2004 05:22:44 +0200, Vincent Penne <> wrote:

> No no no, my clean target is correct ! :) 


> It looks like your gcc doesn't accept these options, or that gmake does

I should've explained that in BSD-land gmake is gnu make.  They give
it a new name since they already have BSD make.  You were right, gcc
was the problem:

sge:609$ diff -u Makefile.ORIG Makefile                                        
--- Makefile.ORIG       Thu Aug  5 20:57:51 2004
+++ Makefile    Sun Aug  8 05:53:39 2004
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
        @echo [preprocessing $<]
-       @$(CXX) -E -dD $(CPP_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< > $@
+       @eg++ -E -dD $(CPP_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< > $@
        @echo [preprocessing $<]
sge:610$ g++ --version
sge:611$ eg++ --version
eg++ (GCC) 3.3.2

Now I run into this...

sge:612$ gmake clean
rm -f bind-fltk-ext.o tbind-fltk.o lua5-fltk.a bind-fltk.cxx
sge:613$ gmake
[preprocessing fltk.cxx]
In file included from fltk.cxx:1:
/usr/include/malloc.h:4:2: warning: #warning "<malloc.h> is obsolete,
use <stdlib.h>"
[generating binding from fltk.i]
/bin/sh: ../../srtti.lua: No such file or directory
gmake: *** [bind-fltk.cxx] Error 1
rm fltk.i

I think this may be beyond the idiosyncracies of my platform since I
don't see any .i files in the tarball.  There should be at least one,

sge:618$ tar zxf srtti-0.9.1.tgz   
sge:619$ find srtti-0.9.1 -name fltk.i                                         
sge:620$ find srtti-0.9.1 -name \*.i   

> About fltk, it's probably one of the easiest GUI toolkit to use, so I
> suggest you to give it a try :)

Now that I can do it via Lua, I may find the time.


How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment
before starting to improve the world.       -- Anne Frank
Paradise is exactly where you are
right now...only much, much better.    -- Laurie Anderson