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I have the top-level design for a serialization system on my desk, waiting for 
a free weekend.

> Main problems:
> 1. how to limit serialized part of the state to exclude libraries and other
> 'static' parts.
> 2. how to serialize C-functions (some kind of wrapper will be needed
> probably)

Under my design, the serializer would take, as input, an array of lua objects 
that are part of the underlying framework and should not be serialized. The 
deserializer takes the same array, in the same order, and remakes the links 
as necessary. 

Tricky issues I haven't dealt with yet:

1. How to merge preexisting and new indices in the registry.
2. How to deal with framework-members with links to non-framework members.


Ben Sunshine-Hill
Student and Programmer
Your lucky words for today: who, moaned, and cityscape.