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>1. Is there any reason to prefer wxLua over the other wxWindows ports other than >a taste for Lua's  syntax?

Well, you will be choosing Lua, which brings all advantages of the 
language, such as small size, speed, portability, etc...

> 4. How much will it affect performance to use Lua instead of C++ for the GUI?

I can't really answer anything about wxlua, but in my experience with
ui toolkits and Lua no one has complained about performace.

>5. If I want to produce a closed-source application, how can it be done with >Lua? I thought about
> putting the compiled Lua code in a C string, and then passing it to the Lua api >inside my code, but
> then looking at the exe file will reveal the Lua code. Is there any way of >achieving higher security?
> How easy is it to reverse-engineer compiled Lua code?

The best way to do this is to transform your Lua code into bytecodes and
then insert them into your C code. You are looking for bin2c and luac.

Is there any particular reason why you want to use wxwindows? There is
toolkit called IUP ( that also has a
port to Lua. It is really simple to use and there is no discrepancies
the C API and the Lua binding. A new version will be coming up in just a


|\/|ark Stroetzel Glasberg

Tel:  55 21 2512-5984 ext. 116
Fax:  55 21 2259-2232