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Robert Anderberg wrote:

I would suggest the only 'porting' you would need to do would be to put all the source files in one directory along with the lua.c and compile. This should only take 10 minutes with any ansi C compiler, then you could see if it was fast/small enough for your use.

Sadly there are various additional factors with a PalmOS port as the memory model is not vanilla. There are other issues too, for example, you have to split the code into 32k sections, this is not hard just tedious:) There also appear to be some slight issues with the hashing mechanisms used in various places when ints are only 16 bits long. Although there has been a port of Lua4 to PalmOS (PLua) there does not seem to be a port of Lua5 to PalmOS, but if you seach the archives of this list for 'PalmOS' you will see some traffic from various attempts. Lua5 certainly does not compile easily for PalmOS, even after you have taught some of the m68k-palmos headers a lesson with a big stick.

Out of interest are any of the platforms you have compiled Lua for 16 bit?
