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Philippe Lhoste wrote:
> I propose Lua-5.0.dll and LuaLib-5.0.dll (case unimportant), following the
> numbering scheme of most open
> source projects. The multiple dots isn't a problem on Windows.
> We must include the second level of numbering: Lua 3.2 was an important
> distribution.
> We don't need a third level: Lua 4.0.1 was just a bug correction release,
> changing nothing to the interface
> or the language.

That seems like a good idea. You can generate those names with ease by using
"lua-$V.dll" and "lualib-$V.dll" in the makefiles. The revision number
should be used only when the interface does not change, and of course, it
shouldn't be included in $V.

Ignacio Castaño