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Wim Couwenberg wrote:
> There is an official and mature way: the Lua API.  I couldn't be happier
> with it.  It lets me do things exactly the way I choose in an elegant,
> consistent and easy way.  Maybe you should try it once.

Lua binding interface is a very low level API. I haven't used Io's bindings,
but I've heard that they are very easy to use. Io is a language made by a
single person and with a small comunity, and I belive that it has more
external libraries available than Lua. Maybe Steve can clarify this better
than me.

BTW, I think that Lua API should keep as is. Higher level mechanisms can and
have been implemented on top of it. My only concern is that the API should
stay stable, so that higher level APIs don't have to be rewritten. I think
that the Lua authors don't plan any major API change after this release, so
situation will probably improve in the near future.

Ignacio Castaño