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Edgar Toernig wrote:
> Björn De Meyer wrote:
> > [about UTF-8 isalpha]
> > I would consider any valid character outside
> > the 7 bit ANSI range as "alphabetical", or more precisely,
> > as acceptable for an identifier name.
> Oh, International Obfuscated Lua Code Contest?!?
> Sorry, but that's silly.
> Ciao, ET.

Well, the characters in that lofty Unicode range 
between 127 and 2^31 can most all be useful 
to in identifier names. Japanese, Korean, etc,
identifiers may look quite obfuscated to us westerners. 
But, to the people who use  non-western languages, 
our roman characters look just as foreign.

If you want to use LUA for as a simple configuration 
file tool, then having localised identifier names 
may be especially useful. However, I can agree that 
if you use LUA for proper programming, then 
"funny" identifier names can make the program harder 
to read. So, what I propose is probably
best off as a nonstandard extension to LUA. 

"No one knows true heroes, for they speak not of their greatness." -- 
Daniel Remar.
Björn De Meyer