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There is also an updated book by the authors of the dragon book called
compilers principles, techniques, and tools. It is quite exhaustive.

On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Reuben Thomas wrote:

> > Excellent, just clicked "Submit" on my Amazon order for that book ;) Thanks
> > much! :)
> Another more modern book with a good reputation (and I've read some of it,
> and agree with it on the strength of that) is "Modern compiler
> implementation in ML" (there are versions in other languages) by Appel.
> It has a few advantages over the Dragon book: the theory is presented more
> accessibly, it's more up to date, and it has plenty of code implementing
> mini-OO, functional and imperative languages.
> On the down side, it's probably not as exhaustive, and it's rather less
> rigorous. But I think the two complement each other well.
> --
> L'art des vers est de transformer en beautés les faiblesses (Aragon)