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I can volunteer to help admin a sourceforge version of our codebase, as well
as the other features that sourceforge offers (mailing lists, CVS, webCVS,
web space, nightly tarballs, commit notifies, web space, bug tracking,
forums, etc. etc. etc). I run several projects over there and can't
recommend it enough.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Nahuel Greco
> Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 1:25 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: Re: A History of Lua
> > The one wish I'd love to see granted is read-only access to the active
> > code base - i.e. to *see* what your upcoming 4.1 is starting to look
> > like.  With such visibility, a 4.1 release can be tracked by those who
> > wish to - so that when the time comes, much more can be ready alongside
> > it.  A daily cron/tar/upload is all it takes (CVS would be nicer still).
> >  And who knows - you might receive a few more quick bug fixes this way.
> >
> > Autocracy is fine - empowering others to help you would be better still!
> >
> Why do not add the Lua project to sourceforge ?? (
> - Nahuel Greco                 Web Development - Open Source -
> -  Game Programming - Research   -
> - Freelance coding / sysadmin  Networking. The answer is 42. -