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>1) I tried to hacked up the makefiles to make it work for the C++ compiler (and the 
>CauseWay DOS extender) in the WATCOM C/C++ package, and besides giving numerous 
>compile warnings it crashes immediately upon start up.  Is there any thought to make 
>LUA C++ friendly or is my experience atypical?

As far as we know, Lua is C++ friendly, as you call it: we have tried to make
sure that Lua is written in "clean" C, in the sense that it compiles and runs
correcty in both C and C++.

Our experience is that it does compiles silently in C++.
I've just set CC=g++ in lua/config and it compiles silently and runs ok.

I haven't tried WATCOM C/C++ lately, but I seem to recall some problems in
the 16-bit version.

What version of WATCOM C/C++ are you using? Could you please send the warnings
and errors to us at lua@tecgraf (not to the list)

Anybody out there knows about WATCOM C/C++?