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> Hello folks,
> We use Lua, 5.4.6 via Fennel, to power "the brains" of our Android apps
> at Egghead Games.  Everything works well, but recently, we have gotten
> some crash reports about 'luaD_precall' triggering 'luaB_assert'.
> Looking at 'ldo.c', the only assertion in 'luaD_precall' is:
>   lua_assert(ci->top.p <= L->stack_last.p);

'luaB_assert' is the assert exported to Lua. It means that some Lua code
is calling "assert" (so that, in the C level, it goes through 'luaD_precall'
to call 'luaB_assert' that calls 'assert'.) It has no relation to

-- Roberto