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Am Mo., 3. Juli 2023 um 04:14 Uhr schrieb mystery_ace <>:
> How exactly are you doing this? And what exactly are you doing this for? Do you mind elaborating?
... sorry, but I prefer to discuss this in public forum.

Before your ask such basic questions, please give detail info about
your working field / your possible applications (the answer will very
much depend on this... ).

Am So., 2. Juli 2023 um 09:03 Uhr schrieb bil til <>:
> We are running Lua 5.4 on a 32 bit controller, it needs ca. 80kB-120kB
> ROM and 80kB RAM and then working fine.
> I think a typcial modern FPGA you can somehow emulate such a 32bit CPU
> with 80kB ROM and 80 kB RAM without much problems - so then you should
> be able to run just "standard Lua" there. (of course you have to write
> some libraries yourself, especially the io/file-library, but also some
> "hardware-access" library (we call it "pin"), and  further a
> communication interface library "com" (overwriting the Lua "print"
> function), and best also some task handling library for safe
> cooperative mutlithreading "task". Also the math library will need
> rewrite in any high-speed CPU usually, to use any advanced math CPU
> functionality. And Lua libraries like debug or coroutines or so we do
> NOT allow for the user (preferring our own task library, this handles
> the coroutine handling / yielding in the C++ level...).