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Mailing list archive is not updated that quickly, your first post is visible
On 31 Mar 2021, 15:37 +0300, Luk Pro <>, wrote:

-- it seems that my previous message didn't pass to the mailing list - not in the mailing archive --
similar topic has been discussed some time ago.
I succeeded partially, but some questions remain.
Having followed [1], I was able to build plenty of WxWidgets versions (Debug/Release, ANSI/Unicode, 32b/64b etc.).
All went OK - it was possible to build everithing via a simple batch.
I was also able to build WxLua for 32b machine - I followed instructions in [2].
The problem now is to build 64b version of WxLua:
I prefer using MSVC, and although I'm able to derive 64b configurations from (existing, via CMAKE created) 32b configs (I can provide a picture of the situation), it seems I should have to create 64b configs manually.
I guess that the manual creation goes silgthly agians the idea that "makefiles" (for various building programs) are to be created from one source using CMAKE.
So - if I want to use CMAKE to build projects (configurations) for 64b machine, too, is there anything I should set in the scope of CMAKE (or CMAKE GUI)?
Best regards,