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On Sun, Jun 2, 2019 at 7:07 PM Andrew Gierth wrote:

 Dibyendu> Do people find anything ugly about current Lua syntax?

The need to put ; before a statement starting with ( is very ugly.

The possible way to fix this ugliness is to change Lua syntax so that a newline before ( is considered as statement delimiter.
And probably almost none of the old code would be broken by this syntax change.
Most people write
Almost none of programmers writes

The "x and y or z" workaround for the lack of a real ternary conditional
operator is ugly and dangerous. (And the popularity of this idiom shows
the need for such an operator.)

"x and y or z" is a smart feature of Lua.
It gets "almost ternary" operator without additional syntax.
If you're so pedantic (about the case when y is falsey), use the following:
({y, z})[x and 1 or 2]


Having to use select('#',...) with all its attendant overheads just to
count the number of args to a vararg function is ugly.

Yes, that's really ugly, especially from the performance's point of view.
Suggested fix is to introduce new Lua syntax for using vararg as a pseudo-table value.
Assuming new syntax is <vararg>:
   local k_th_arg = <vararg>[k]  -- no actual table exists, so indexing is emulated using additional VM instruction
   local num_args = #<vararg>    -- "borders" in pseudo-table are ignored, the result is the same as select('#',...)

 Dibyendu> What about the proposed new syntax <toclose> and <const>?

... meh. It doesn't look too bad to me and the proposed alternatives
seem worse.

The motto of Lua 5.4 is "Surprise! We have angle brackets in Lua!" :-)