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On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 11:40 AM Philippe Verdy <> wrote:
>> As soon as PUC puts that "normal execution" stuff in the manual, ok. I
>> now the finalizer can run at anytime AFTER it becomes inaccesible, I
>> DO NOT assume it runs promptly. But, knowing the finalizers are NOT
>> run while the object is accesible is needed to me.

> That's probably because  your varaible acts only as a proxy for a remote object which has an external lifetime or state (and you use the finalizer with an explict call to the garbage collector to close the remote session): your design is bogous if your program does not handle it with a session;

No remote object, and I think you are grossly overunqualified for
asserting my desing is bogus. In fact just this assertion proves it,

Why would I make an explicit call to the garbage collector to use the
finalizer? I'm old enough to be able to call it directly.

What's a session? ( trying to put fancy concepts here ? nice try, no cigar )

Just to make it easier to you, no out-of-process objects involved in
those designs.

> your variable should then be an object that has a reference from a session object. Using finalizers for this is bad, especially in Lua. Please use a session object and control that session explicitly with a separate variable.

That's a whole new level. Shouldn't I also use three magic unicorns,
half a cup of pixie dust and a flux capacitor or two?
World is bigger than the set of programs you have made, you are old
enough know that.

Francisco Olarte.