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On 2019-05-29 9:38 p.m., Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:
Lua 5.4.0 (alpha-rc1) is now available for testing at

The checksums are
	MD5	56f18a477f5a962eeca4d5bb0ccad34b  -
	SHA1	def2b1be4c0a4eaab8afd25c8ba87f6a42074f3b  -

This is an alpha version. Some details may change in the final version.

The main changes in Lua 5.4.0 are listed at

An updated reference manual is included and also available at

The complete diffs from work2 to alpha are available at

If your platform is a common Unix-like platform, just do
	make guess
The Makefile will guess your platform using uname and build Lua for it.

All feedback welcome. Thanks.

I guess no more goto in loops since you need to provide your own locals now.

for i=1,10 do
if foo(i) then
i = something -- :(
goto retry

I also wonder if this works:

local <const> x = 1
goto foo

I'll test it another time, maybe