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I did not mean any disrespect or implied about Roberto's health or condition in any way. In our last chat at the airport, he seemed quite healthy and sharp. 
Just brought up a discussion that I think is valid and important. 

This is not a heartwarming topic, but having a plan is not a bad thing. Imagine if a project like python
was heavely dependent to a single person (not implying anything here) and that person got sick or worse, and then, from night to day, the language community had a big issue at hand? Who could do what that person did? How to ensure continuity of ideas, goals and vision? 

Em sáb, 30 de mar de 2019 às 18:36, Roberto Ierusalimschy <> escreveu:
> Except Steve's Litt's post, I find all of the present discussion (not
> just the post to which technically I'm replying) in questionable
> taste, rather (as the word "Legacy" in the title of the thread drives
> one to think) like relatives squabbling over who will inherit while
> the legator is still very much alive.


-- Roberto

"A arrogância é a arma dos fracos."

Me. Italo Moreira Campelo Maia
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