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Am 22.10.2018 um 19:30 schrieb Tim Hill:

On Oct 16, 2018, at 6:18 AM, Viacheslav Usov <> wrote:

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 2:58 PM Lorenzo Donati <> wrote:

> Now, imagine an identifier like B10010100, where each individual "character" is in fact a different "version" of a "0" or a "1". Nightmare!

Especially in Lua, which happily treats any unknown identifier as a valid global variable.



+1 .. I realize I’m a native English speaker and so biased, but it seems to me the benefits of Unicode identifiers are far outweighed by the problems created.


What problem can be so bad outweighting the benefit of using 🤮 (U+1F92E) as an identifier?

