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On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 11:43 AM, Roberto Ierusalimschy
<> wrote:
>> I noticed "debug information about function arguments and returns" on
>> the list of changes; are these implemented using "fTransfer" and
>> "nTransfer" fields? Are there any further details on how they can be
>> used?
> Did you try the manual?

I did; this is what I see [1]:

fTransfer: the index of the first local variable being "transfered",
which means parameters in a call or return values in a return. This
value is only meaningful during a call hook or a return hook. (For
call hooks, this value is always 1.)
nTransfer: The number of values being transfered (see previous item).
(For calls of Lua functions, this value is always equal to nparams.)

I didn't quite get what "transfered" means in this context; as there
were no other mentions in the document I was hoping for some
additional information.

(BTW, shouldn't it be "transferred"?)

