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Sean Conner wrote on 3/12/2018 3:58 PM:
Oh, and there's this bit of news:
	Please Note: Perforce is no longer actively contributing to the Jam
	Open Source project. The last Perforce release of Jam was version
	2.6 in August of 2014. We will keep the Perforce-controlled links
	and information posted here available until further notice.


   -spc (How many build tools do I need to install now?)

Perforce's Jam and JamPlus are two separate things, although JamPlus was derived from Perforce's Jam.

If you use LuaPlus, you'll find it bootstraps a JamPlus build automatically for you, so you don't need to install anything. If you use JamPlus for your own builds, you'll probably like the Lua integration. That has allowed some pretty awesome stuff to be built through the years.

In any case, I've actively maintained JamPlus for around 15 years now and will continue doing so. It suits my purposes and the businesses that use it well enough.
